Monday 27 August 2012

A one month transformation

I have been working with my latest protege Natalie for exactly one month and as you can see the progress is amazing.  She has responded well to rough and aggressive training, in fact she loves it!  Her diet consists of regular intakes of animal protein, very low carbs and no fats or oils. She is totally drug free and uses no weight reducing drugs, laxatives, herbal teas or modern "miracle" supplements of any kind, just the basic old school stuff that I believe in.  It is a tough regime, some women would have run away from it for something easier, but the results are something that you would never get doing a lifetime of pilates, spinning, body balance or other such nonsense.  She will compete of course, at this rate maybe even this year.  I hope that everyone, not just women, can take inspiration from this young girls achievement.  MAY 2017 - PICTURE REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF NATALIE'S INSECURE AND JEALOUS BOYFRIEND