People often ask me what keeps me going, what inspires me. Well I always say the people that love me and are loved in return, but whilst that will always be true my proteges give me a whole different level of inspiration. This picture is of Abdou, a drug free junior that I coach in Norway . He has made tremendous progress with my help even though it has just been via the internet and did well in his very first show despite competing against others who were not drug free. He sent me a lovely email full of genuine praise and thanks but my favourite part was this bit which I have cut and pasted, these are exactly his words. "I was positive and helped other people around me to achieve their goals too. I ate, trained, rested and abstained from anything that could affect me in a negative way - drugs, fast food, women, facebook etc. and that was the reason I achieved my goal." I love every word of that, a lesson for us all from a dedicated young man, take a bow sir!