October is here so now the countdown to the Britain really starts! I'm pleased with the way that I'm holding both size and condition, this photo was taken today after we had shot more footage for the show prep DVD. We are putting a huge amount of very useful information into the movie for anyone that ever wants to compete or even just get into top shape for a holiday or any other reason and I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished article sometime in November, it will make a great Christmas present for anyone that's serious about bodybuilding. The hardest part of show prep is of course the diet but one way that I solve my hunger cravings is to make my own protein desserts, the recipe is so popular it has been featured in an "Ultimate Protein Recipe Book" and if you like it you can vote for it in a competition by going to this page
http://blog.supplementcentre.com/vanilla-cinnamon-dessert-recipe/ so please do so! Meanwhile, the special feature that I promised about air quality will be on the website by the end of the week and I will post a link in the next blog.