As usual after a show I have so many people to thank for their lovely messages. The best two were one that said "not bad for someone who's intestines were trying to escape at the time" and another that congratulated me on being the oldest person to bring home a trophy from the finals! I love the diversity of the compliments and I can never believe just how many people really do care about me. On that subject the hernia is well under control and not very painful anymore so I will be fine to do the "Stars" but again, thanks for all the concern shown, it means the world to me. Here is a small pic of me and the guys that placed 2nd & 3rd, I'll post the show pics and video as soon as Eric Guy sends them to me but I think that they will reveal that it was my abs that let me down. While there is an obvious reason for that I would never use it as an excuse and instead I will make sure that they look better for my final show. In the meantime a few more photos can be viewed using this link.