Whisper it quietly but this hernia thing might not be that serious after all. As recommended by my Doctor, I'm living in a hernia girdle which has pushed the lump back behind the stomach wall, it could be ok now or it could pop back out at sometime in the future but with my history of tummy problems that's something that I'm used to living with. Needless to say, I'm not thinking any further ahead than this weekend, I've worked harder than ever for this, my last ever British final and that will be reflected in my physique when I get on stage. The pressure of the girdle has caused some internal bleeding in my double laperotomy scar but I have been assured that this is not serious and will cover with the dark spray tan that I am having. It's been a very tough week, what with sorting this out and carb depletion too but for me and everyone else that is competing it will soon be showtime. So, I'm ready now; lets do this!