I'm often asked what the last seven days of a show diet is like and how tough it is. Well right now I am incredibly tired, I look like I've aged about 20 years and tomorrow, to make things worse, carb depletion starts. That means cutting down my daily carbs from 100 grams to 50 grams until Thursday evening when I will start a very light carb load so that I keep the deep cuts that I've worked for but also have some energy for when I get on stage. I'm down to 17stone 2lb and want to lose 4lbs in 4 days just by carb depletion before I start dehydration. I'm confident that going in light and shredded is the way to go. I've had my last bit of relaxation this weekend, I had a brilliant day with Lilybelle yesterday and she stayed with me until this morning when I had to go and do my last leg workout. After that I spent some time with my good friend Kenny, we had a great time and I now feel ready to face this last tough week.