I do love it when people send me pictures like the one above. It's great that people take the time out to do stuff like this for me, I really appreciate it, and when I'm told that this is proof that I am actually getting younger then I really feel good about myself! These are show pictures taken backstage after my wins at the last two UKBFF Midlands Championships, they are taken by the same photographer, Adrian Wooley, with exactly the same set up, but they are taken one year apart and I'm one year older in the pic on the left. They are in monochrome because apparently that is better for comparisons. I'm not sure about the whole "Forever Young" thing but the picture surprised me a bit. It's good to know that I'm making improvements, I must be getting something right but also it's because this year I have had much less stress after the disasters of last year and the things that have tried to stress me this year have been very easily dealt with. Moreover, I firmly believe that the resolution of my air purification issue has been a great help too and I've acknowledged that in this latest special feature which I think you will find both very interesting and useful