The UKBFF show at Leamington Spa yesterday was of the highest quality as usual. Sean didn't place in the top four this time but he did look the best he has ever looked in his life so he couldn't do more than that and now, with his first season complete, we start the work for next year. My good friend Richie Goodwin (pictured) placed second in an incredibly close under 80 kilos division, the winner was impressive though as was Joel Wright who won the under 70 kilos, he weighed "a buck and half" as the Americans would say yet looked like a monster which proves that what the scales say really means nothing at all, I wish that more people would realise that. Finally, talking of Americans, how must they be feeling today after a Ryder cup comeback by Europe that had "Seve" written all over it. I'm sure that he is still smiling up in heaven.