This years UKBFF British finals was the biggest ever, but walking around talking to everyone as I always do at shows it became very clear that there were also more complaints than ever this year. Complaints about the organisation, the format, even the DJ who messed up so many people's routines. But most of all it was the judging and "political agendas" that people were unhappy with, even the overall was controversial. My advice is get over it, I have, it's history now. I won't even complain about the soft porn bikini classes (yes they have 2 now!) that have no place at a bodybuilding show. Instead, I am delighted to say that I had 5 friends who all won British titles. Nina Ross (pictured) set a whole new standard in the Bodyfitness, Jack Stokely is massive and won the juniors, Joel Wright won the 70 kilos looking immense, Ricardo Correa won the 90 kilos and should have won the overall and Daz Ball finally won the super heavies, long overdue, well done big fella!