At the last minute (as usual) the legs have decided that they will join in with the whole "get shredded" thing. This is due to a combination of thermogenic leg training and a change to the way that I am drying out. As I'm nowhere near as ripped as usual I've had to do a few things differently this time, no diuretics but extra Vitamin C and I also found a pack of dandelion root tablets in my kitchen, which I don't even remember buying, so I have been swallowing those regularly too. I have another 24 hours to dry out and I'm not carbing up except for a few bananas today and a chicken biryani tonight. I'm looking forward to tomorrow now, I think that I might have half a chance of getting my 4th consecutive Britain qualification and for the first time my gorgeous Daughter Natalie will be coming to watch her Dad compete so I really want to make her proud.