There's nothing like winning a show to make you feel good about everything but right now I am on top of the world for a few other reasons too. First of all my lower back is pain free for the first time this year thanks to my Physio Alan Dryer (I will resist the obvious "pain in the arse for 5 months" joke that you are all making up right now). Secondly, Natalie Mayling will compete in her first show in less than 4 weeks, her progress has been phenomenal. And finally because Adrian Wooley, a really good photographer
http://www.ajsphotos.com/ did some great pics of me when I came off stage on Sunday which showed that my condition was pretty good after all. It will need to be better for the finals though, this year only the top 6 in the UK will make it through to the Sunday show which means that with me now at 53, in a year when the standard and quality has gone through the roof, I have to at least match my best ever showing just to get through to the Sunday, something that I have never failed to do before. Bring it on, I never back down!