So, after my last blog, it transpired that on Saturday just gone Barney Duplessis (pictured) walked out of the UKBFF and entered the NABBA Mr. England, he won his class and also the overall! This came as no surprise to a lot of people and we were all extremely pleased for him. I just wonder what repercussions there will be for British bodybuilding from his actions, only time will tell. On a smaller scale, prep is going well for Sunday's British Open which I will try to win for a second time. I have to say though that my focus has been more on prepping Natalie and it shows because she looks great. In 3 months she has changed from gym rat into serious competitor. She is totally drug free but as all the drug free shows are over for the year we decided to throw her in very much at the deep end, a British open for your first show is outrageous but she wouldn't be there if I didn't think she looked good enough. She does; in fact she looks amazing and I will post contest pics on here next week!