People often ask me about getting enough protein because as we all know
protein is essential. Well a whey protein shake offers the perfect solution when your muscles need feeding, it’s quick, convenient and easily absorbed by your body. It offers a complete protein source and it comes with a full set of all nine essential amino acids. Personally I use either
Whey protein isolate with a minimum of 80% protein content most of the time but occasionally I use whey protein hydrolysate with over 90% protein content, this digests super fast but costs the most and tastes the worst too.
Research has shown that those who eat a relatively high-protein diet are more likely to lose weight and preserve muscle. There are plenty of reasons why this could be the case. Some say it’s because your body uses up more energy processing protein than it does carbs, thereby burning more calories. Others suggest it is because protein scores so high in the satiety index, which is basically an indicator of how full you feel after eating it, therefore you’re less likely to over eat. Another reason could be because protein helps to repair and preserve muscle mass. And the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, so it makes good old-fashioned sense. Either way, if you’re looking to build muscle and / or drop fat, then whey protein is the way to go.