People are always telling me that they receive conflicting advice. Well the latest edition of "The Beef" contains two interesting yet conflicting articles. Firstly there is the detailled show diet and training plan of pro bodybuilder Hunni Glanville, which lists his tried and trusted methods of fasted cardio, high reps, multiple small meals and training each body part only once a week. Further on in the magazine is a piece from regular contributor Paul Scarborough which "explodes myths" and basically disagrees with what Hunni is doing. "You pay your money you take you choice" as the saying goes but all I would add is that I have known Hunni Glanville for many years and have always been massively impressed with his physique, knowledge, acheivements and friendly & helpful attitude to lesser bodybuilders such as myself, whereas I've never met Paul Scarborough. In other news, I finally got a copy of the wedding photos, most were just of people that I don't like enjoying themselves on my money but there is this one picture which shows just how gorgeous Lilybelle is and that when scrubbed up I can almost pass as normal!