Yesterday, I won my class at the UKBFF MIdlands Championships for the second year running. It was a massive show, 160 competitors in 22 classes in a brilliant venue that was packed as the tickets soon sold out. UKBFF shows really do set the standard these days and it was a very tough contest, nine of us in my class and all hugely experienced, top quality bodybuilders, so I was very happy to win and it sets me up nicely for the British Finals which are less than 4 weeks away. As usual I have so many people to thank, everyone that sent me messages of support right up until the last minute and congratulations straight after, the friends that came along to watch and all of the fans who made a point of stopping me to say the nicest things. It was a very humbling experience as it always is. I never feel more loved than on show days and I will miss competing next year but will still attend the shows, hopefully in a coaching capacity as things are moving along well with the new gym which will be called "Peak Physique & Fitness" and the gym's mission will be to get people to exactly as the name suggests, all will be welcome!