The after effects of a win like the one on Sunday are incredible. I feel great, maybe it's because I went well over the top on the rehydration and carb replacement or more likely it's because the nice messages are still pouring in. It never ceases to amaze me just how many people are genuinely impressed and pleased for me, it's humbling almost to the point of it being emotional, thank you all again, so very much. The next 3 weeks will be a balancing act, trying to stay big and hold condition without becoming catabolic, after that I will dry out more than ever, I will need to be tighter to do well at the Britain, the standard of UKBFF shows, especially the finals, really is that high. I was reasonably pleased with the package that I brought to the stage on Sunday but my legs need more striations. Full diet and training resumes tomorrow and this sneak preview from the show prep DVD that's currently in production shows just how I'm going to get my legs better than ever