I personally am prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt but I wonder why such a high profile athlete didn't just say no when offered a product that he was not familiar with? Just saying no from the beginning can often save a whole lot of trouble further down the line as he has found out. I am often asked by rookies about supplementation, well here's a guide http://bit.ly/16bx0vQ that you might find comes in handy. Next, I would like to say a massive well done to Delyth Lloyd who won the UKBFF North East Championships Bodyfitness division on Sunday just gone. I can't take any of the credit for Del's success but we have worked together in a limited capacity for a few years now so I was very proud when she won. The standard of UKBFF shows gets better and better so the bar is set very high for me this Sunday but I'm looking forward to the challenge.