I had to smile at the latest unrest caused by one of my pet hates social media, this time Twitter. I only deal in facts so lets face a couple of those things right here. Most people use social media for good reasons but millions of very bitter people use social media for two other reasons. 1.Generous self publicity which they write for themselves and then believe; who are they trying to convince? Themselves or their support network? And 2. To spread rumours, slag off people they don't like and tell lies about them because they don't have the balls to say anything to their face. Trolls are the scum of the earth but anyone who believes what they write is actually even worse. In other news, I've just got back from my pre show prep fitness camp, which was great fun but hard work. The best bit was a tree climbing assault course which I'm honest enough to admit I did struggle with but I'm now in full show prep mode and the fitness training has definitely helped. You will never see me writing nonsense such as "#I look great" like the social media idiots do but I will be working flat out to look as good as I can over the next three months.