One of the few good things about doing morning cardio indoors is catching up with TV shows. I favour outdoor power walking as the best form of cardio but in truth most days I just fall out of bed and sit on my recumbent bike watching TV, I'm not being lazy, I blame "Ray Donovan". I'm now up to date with this brilliant series that is shown on Sky Atlantic HD and I can't wait for the next episode. One hour of low intensity cardio before breakfast has always been the best way to burn fat without burning muscle, to be on the safe side I don't just drink water whilst doing morning cardio, I have a weak shake of Whey Isolate, Glutamine and BCAA, all of these things together, sipped slowly during the hour keep the muscles protected and make sure that I'm only burning fat. I'm definitely not a morning person but as it's only just over 5 weeks to show time, needs must, as the saying goes!