Trevor Chung's 2012 "Herts & Beds First Timers" show in Dunstable was my favourite show last year, it's one that I will never forget for lots of reasons. Also, it was at that show that I first met Ediz Mehmet and he told me that he wanted the 2013 version of the show to be his first competition; so I sorted him out a diet and training plan and we have stayed in touch ever since. On Sunday 28th July 2013 he won his class and also the overall conditioning medal of honour with an impressive display. I can't take any of the credit for coaching him as all I've ever done for him is to give him advice by email as I do for so many people but I am very proud to say that I helped him along the way on his journey. As you can see, he made an amazing transformation, all drug free, all down to hard work and good dieting. Well done sir, take a bow!