Saturday, 28 September 2013

The Air That I Breathe

You never stop learning in this game. I'm very fortunate to have a lot of good friends in the bodybuilding community, it is a lovely family to be part of and I've always made a point of learning from my friends that have achieved more than me.  In Birmingham I took good advice on my prep for the Britain from Zak Pallikaros, Neale Cranwell, Bernie Cooper and of course Eddie Abbew.  I don't see so much of Eddie these days but he greeted me with a huge smile and hug like he always does.  He told me that I looked the best he had ever seen me which meant the world to me and the others all agreed, it really was a great day!  It's not for me to say if I look my best ever or, as some say, I'm growing younger, but if that is the case it's because nothing is left to chance. These days I even sleep in a room filled with purified, oxygen rich air which is constantly renewed.  I will be posting a new special feature about this next week as I believe that it is of great help to bodybuilders.  Finally, a win isn't a win unless Lilybelle is happy with it but as you can see she is very proud her of Granddad's latest acheivement.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


The after effects of a win like the one on Sunday are incredible. I feel great, maybe it's because I went well over the top on the rehydration and carb replacement or more likely it's because the nice messages are still pouring in.  It never ceases to amaze me just how many people are genuinely impressed and pleased for me, it's humbling almost to the point of it being emotional, thank you all again, so very much.  The next 3 weeks will be a balancing act, trying to stay big and hold condition without becoming catabolic, after that I will dry out more than ever, I will need to be tighter to do well at the Britain, the standard of UKBFF shows, especially the finals, really is that high.  I was reasonably pleased with the package that I brought to the stage on Sunday but my legs need more striations.  Full diet and training resumes tomorrow and this sneak preview from the show prep DVD that's currently in production shows just how I'm going to get my legs better than ever

Monday, 23 September 2013

UKBFF Midlands 2013

Yesterday, I won my class at the UKBFF MIdlands Championships for the second year running.  It was a massive show, 160 competitors in 22 classes in a brilliant venue that was packed as the tickets soon sold out.  UKBFF shows really do set the standard these days and it was a very tough contest, nine of us in my class and all hugely experienced, top quality bodybuilders, so I was very happy to win and it sets me up nicely for the British Finals which are less than 4 weeks away.  As usual I have so many people to thank, everyone that sent me messages of support right up until the last minute and congratulations straight after, the friends that came along to watch and all of the fans who made a point of stopping me to say the nicest things.  It was a very humbling experience as it always is.  I never feel more loved than on show days and I will miss competing next year but will still attend the shows, hopefully in a coaching capacity as things are moving along well with the new gym which will be called "Peak Physique & Fitness" and the gym's mission will be to get people to exactly as the name suggests, all will be welcome! 

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Just Say No

Ok firstly lets wrap up the Rob Riches thing, here's his side of the story
I personally am prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt but I wonder why such a high profile athlete didn't just say no when offered a product that he was not familiar with?  Just saying no from the beginning can often save a whole lot of trouble further down the line as he has found out.  I am often asked by rookies about supplementation, well here's a guide that you might find comes in handy. Next, I would like to say a massive well done to Delyth Lloyd who won the UKBFF North East Championships Bodyfitness division on Sunday just gone.  I can't take any of the credit for Del's success but we have worked together in a limited capacity for a few years now so I was very proud when she won.  The standard of UKBFF shows gets better and better so the bar is set very high for me this Sunday but I'm looking forward to the challenge.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Girls And Boys

Research into a target demographic for potential members of the new gym has proved surprising. It seems that girls in their 20's and men in their 40's are the least likely to want to get in shape whilst, conversely, women in their 40's and men in their 20's are the most likely.  This is possibly due to the changing trend where age inappropriate relationships, with either gender being the older party, are on the increase, it seems that looking good and being in shape has many benefits whoever you are. The difference between the "wants and dont wants" is apparently motivation. The dont wants hate what they see in the mirror but aren't strong enough to diet & train correctly whilst the wants will do whatever it takes to have a body to be proud of.  Personally I've always wanted to improve myself, even in the days when I ran my own building company and worked 80 hours or more every week I still found time for the gym, and this was long before I ever thought about competing.  Talking of that, I'm honest enough to admit that I wont be at my best for the Midlands championships as you can see from the pic but things are beginning to come through now and I should look reasonable by show time.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Promised Land

Is it true that well known drug free body builder Rob Riches has tested positive for Anavar?  Reports vary but the general opinion is that it was only a matter of time before he got caught.  I don't know the guy or the facts so I'm making no judgements but it is a sad fact that some people vehemently oppose drug use whilst using stuff themselves, it's the same people who don't train or diet properly and expect the gear to still work.  I'm having a very good week in all sorts of ways but the diet is hurting as you can see in this video clip  Fortunately I have a lot of people who genuinely care about me and they keep me going, these are the people that I will stay close to all of my life.  There are far too many to mention but I will say a special thanks to Martin, Kerry, Richie (pictured) & Kylie who have all been great recently.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Rikki Don't Lose That Number

I'm a big fan of Ricky Burns but lets be honest, he was well beaten last night and the decision to call it a draw was wrong and bad for the sport that so many of us love. On a happier note, the negotiations for the new gym are progressing well and it looks like one of the UK's top drug free bodybuilders is going to work in tandem with me as a PT at the gym, more news to follow in due course.  Show prep is going well and I received a boost from my good friend Martin Stevenson this morning when he said that I look good for 2 weeks out.  I'll post an up to date pic soon but you can see some of my show prep training by clicking on this link

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Show Me The Way

People often ask me about getting enough protein because as we all know protein is essential. Well a whey protein shake offers the perfect solution when your muscles need feeding, it’s quick, convenient and easily absorbed by your body. It offers a complete protein source and it comes with a full set of all nine essential amino acids. Personally I use either Whey protein isolate with a minimum of 80% protein content most of the time but occasionally I use whey protein hydrolysate with over 90% protein content, this digests super fast but costs the most and tastes the worst too.  Research  has shown that those who eat a relatively high-protein diet are more likely to lose weight and preserve muscle. There are plenty of reasons why this could be the case. Some say it’s because your body uses up more energy processing protein than it does carbs, thereby burning more calories. Others suggest it is because protein scores so high in the satiety index, which is basically an indicator of how full you feel after eating it, therefore you’re less likely to over eat. Another reason could be because protein helps to repair and preserve muscle mass. And the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, so it makes good old-fashioned sense. Either way, if you’re looking to build muscle and / or drop fat, then whey protein is the way to go.