Well the refurb of the house is all complete now. The new spa room with its 300 litre, 2 person jacuzzi is amazing but the new dressing room is great too. The mirrored walls in there have my favourite Arnie saying stencilled on them "the worst thing I could be is the same as everyone else, I'd hate that", it's appropriate to say the least. Lilybelle and I finished the nursery on her sleepover night, she is so proud of her animal stencils as you can see. You know, about this time last year I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life, since then I have changed so many things. I've kept the good parts, added some amazing things and I've dumped the bad stuff, nowadays life is infinitely better. What does that song say again? "Make That Change" Finally, I only came back from Tunisia 8 weeks ago but already I'm fed up with this cold weather, time for some warm weather training soon I think.