I've spent the last few days in Edinburgh again, I really enjoy it there and the people at pure gym were incredibly respectful this time for some reason! The national obesity problem is as bad in Scotland as anywhere, in fact its possibly worse, look at the pic, that might be something to do with it? I've been on BBC TV over the last couple of days, nothing to do with bodybuilding this time, instead it was a show called "Britain's empty homes - revisited" and was about a property that I recently bought and developed into a family home. It's still available on the BBC i player and it proves that I do find other things to do than bodybuilding related stuff! Finally, how can it be that RBS, who we the taxpayers own, can post losses of £5.2 BILLION yet still pay out over £600 million in bonuses? Aren't bonuses supposed to be paid when companies actually make money? Or am I missing something here?