I've had some surprisingly nice feedback from the latest special feature http://www.kevanwilson.com/CompeteFeature.pdf I say surprising because it is written in a way that I would not expect it to win me many friends but as I always say, I would rather be honest than popular. I wrote it because so many people ask me about competing so please take a look for yourself and see what you think. I was very pleased to have 3 pictures in the latest edition of "The Beef" as it might be the last time that I appear in there. I'll make a decision about doing yet another British final when I have to but at the moment I am really enjoying an off season lifestyle, eating clean about 90% of the time and training hard but only as hard as my body is telling me it wants to be pushed and I will have to be honest with myself about whether or not I want to go through a show diet and prep phase again. Finally, for some reason YouTube made all of my videos "private" last week, this has been fixed and they are now all viewable again.