As it's half term I finally got to spend a day with Caden all to myself on Monday so we went to Willows Farm in St. Albans, near where I used to live. We have always had one day a week just to ourselves but ever since he started "big school" last September those days have been few and far between and I have missed them so much. He is 5 now but so grown up, I love him dearly and I am incredibly proud of him, the way he is growing up is just a beautiful thing to be part of. I have had some nice comments about the new theme music that plays over the website homepage, well, it is chosen for a reason. I truly believe that if you want to make anyone else's life better you have to make sure that your own one is sorted out first. So look in the mirror, fix whatever needs fixing and then you can make the world a better place and make that change! Perhaps that bitch that was so nasty about Kate Middleton could learn something from that.