I received an email from the USA on Monday saying "As you're now a long time off the gear and permanently off season are you still a big guy?" It made me smile so I had this picture taken on Monday, sent it to him and asked him to judge for himself. However, it did raise an important point that I always try to get across to youngsters. If you build your muscles drug free over a period of years then you will keep them, if you build them quickly by using steroids you will lose them when you come off "the gear". My history of 22 years drug free is well documented but there are many other reasons why I try to stop steroid use and here's one of them. Someone else contacted me this week to ask if they could still compete as a natural if they had taken "Just a few Anavar for a few days last year" Let's be very plain about the answer to that. As soon as you so much as swallow one tablet that is on the banned list you can't compete drug free for at least 10 years, testing is very stringent and cheats are named and shamed, quite rightly in my opinion. So, keep it clean and build it natural!