There is no doubt that this sport that we all love is constantly evolving and that's a good thing because as I always tell people "To acheive goals that you've never acheived before, you need to start doing things you've never done before" I'm pleased that the sport now seems to be more focused on the more athletic physiques than the physiques of us old dinosaurs, that goes for both the men and the women. The male physique class has taken off big time despite many cynics referring to it as "the male bikini class" and the womens bikini class was the single most popular class at all UKBFF shows last year. In the past I've not been a fan of either of these two classes but I've evolved too and at PPF we encourage men & women to compete in these classes. To help them with that, the posing classes run by Gemma Williams from
http://www.showgirlfitness.com are already a great success!