Today I did some more work for The Active Channel. The plan was to do a back workout designed for people over 40 but as we got working it soon became apparent that it would be a good workout for anyone. I was really pleased to have alongside me Nigel "Tommo" Thompson, who is one of the UK's best and most respected over 40's bodybuilders. We were so busy that we completely forgot to get a picture together so here's a picture of Tommo that he posted on Facebook with the caption "46 years old - what's your excuse?" I can imagine the envy on so many peoples faces! Tommo and I have been friends for years, he's nearly 10 years younger than me and we always manage to bring the best out of each other when we train together. I'm sure that will come across well when the workout is screened by The Active Channel, probably at the beginning of April, which is when Tommo is competing in Scott Horton's "Hercules Olympia", I show that I'm greatly looking forward to!