Apparently my last post upset a few people who are "fat and happy". My point is chubbs, that you might be happy but us taxpayers are very unhappy footing the NHS bill for illness caused by obese peoples lifestyles, so sort yourselves out! For those that have all of the usual excuses please look at this picture. I started working with Clare in January, just the usual stuff, a sensible diet and exercise plan because she's getting married in July, as you can see her results have been amazing. Clare is almost 40, is a full time air stewardess, home maker and mum and also gives her fiance all the support that he needs while he's dieting for competition, she even trains with him! So, what's your excuse now for not at least trying to get into shape? I've not been that surprised by her results, in my experience when a woman is really determined to change her body she will do whatever it takes and go through the pain barrier more readily than men do. Clare has done so well that it makes sense for her to take it to the next level and compete soon, we are all very proud of her!