There is a very alarming article in today's Sunday Telegraph relating to obesity in this country
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/journalists/laura-donnelly/10174593/Obesity-bankrupting-the-NHS-warns-peer.html. Actually "alarming" is an understatment when you read that "Studies have found that diseases caused by poor diet and sedentary lifestyles are costing the NHS more than £6 billion a year" Draw your own conclusions but, as harsh it may sound, in 99% of cases it is a persons choice if they want to be fat or not. I know because I deal with lots of people who are determined to lose weight, they all succeed too, like I said it's a choice. Sadly it's not a choice for hard working tax payers to continually plough money into the NHS to deal with those who choose to remain obese. On a happier note, here's a link for a workout of me coaching two women with amazing figures at PPF for The Active Channel
http://www.theactivechannel.com/player/PeakPhysiqueAlternativeLegsWorkout They choose to look good, and this shows that it's hard work but well worth it.