I'm still getting good feedback from the last special feature, here's the link again
www.kevanwilson.com/validation.pdf Someone asked me if I was worried that it might upset anyone, I said I think that the only people that it will upset is the sanctimonious, attention seeking losers that it is aimed at, and you will know who they are because they are the ones that will deny being that way. I finally have my new car, a Mercedes ML350 Sport, it is a big "Chelsea tractor" so a good replacement for the pick up truck that I had for the last 6 years, wow, is it really that long? It's a good job that truck can't talk, luckily what goes on in the truck stays with the truck! I will miss it but not as much as the babies who used to play "Bouncey Bounce" in the back of it, just like they are in this picture from last year.