I am indebted to the kind person who sent me this picture which, according to them, proves that my face never ages and my body is getting younger! I don't know about that but I was surprised at the upper body development over the last few years and as such will have to have a re measure for the stats on the front page. Of course my abs are a constant challenge but the tummy has been fine for over a year now although it does swell a bit when I'm water depleted for a show. My legs are never going to grow much as my knees are damaged from years of running during the time that I was an amateur boxer, what a stupid exercise running is! I haven't been able to squat for a few years now and although I still leg press half a tonne I have my knees treble wrapped when doing so. The first pic is from my first show which I won but there are no pictures of me with my winners trophy for some reason. It's good to be back to normal, off season training is going well and more importantly I have Lilybelle for the night tomorrow which might stop the broodiness or might make it worse!