So here then is the B & A of Sonny Lama, who went from being just another gym rat to being a 70 kilo competitor, under my guidance, totally drug free. His Mr. Himalayas show was cancelled 12 days out so he was depleted and still carrying some water, he would definitely have looked even better than this amazing transformation by showtime I'm certain of that. These are genuine photos, let me assure you of that as some idiots on Facebook have said that they are fakes, they are just jealous as usual. As I always say, Sonny did the work and the dieting so he gets the credit. This has taken about 6 months of incredibly hard work on his part, but he said to me that he was proud to be a "disciple of a great master" which meant the world to me. I am very proud to be able to add him to the B & A's on the personal training page!