My time in Egypt was great, the comments about my physique were all very nice as usual but I was asked so many times "when are you competing again?" It
made me realise again, as I have said so many times before, that competition bodybuilding really is like the "Hotel California", you can check out any
time you like, but you can never leave. My first job now I'm back is to finish
prepping Sean for his second show, the UKBFF qualifier in Birmingham on October
7th, I have decided that I will prep myself at the same time and see where we
go from there. That means intensive prep, a million car park lunges and no social life from now until then,
a prisoner of war so to speak. I know it's crazy and some are already asking me
why as I have nothing more to prove. Well as my good friend Tommo (pictured) once told me
"we can't stop, we are bodybuilders and this is what we do!"