Sunday, 2 October 2011

Why love a loser?

It's been a great weekend for sport, the highlight of course being Tottenham's win over Arsenal this afternoon. Even the most stubborn of Arsenal supporters would now admit that the balance of power has shifted in North London, it's about time too! Yesterdays Rugby result was also excellent, although it seems that every England win has to be soured by the media.  I don't mind the "has beens" like Dalaglio and Fitzpatrick having an opinion, I belive that they have earned the right to give their views publicly, but an idiot like Steve Rider, who has never even played the game should just shut up and go back to appearing in knitting patterns, or whatever he does for a full time job.  Sadly, as Clint Eastwood said, opinions are like assholes, everbody's got one. Apparently yesterday England were crap and Scotland were brilliant and heroic, so why did England win then?  Just for once can people please get behind the national team!