Thursday, 6 October 2011

Making the most of it

Woke up to hear the sad news this morning that Steve Jobs had died.  Here is a man who had everything that he could possibly want and more money than he could ever spend, now he's just the richest guy in the cemetery. It won't happen to me I assure you, in just one month's time 6 days a week in the gym will turn into 3 days a week, thus giving me time to enjoy life at last. I'm making the most of the prep for these last shows and my legs are coming through so well that even Eddie Abbew, who taught me that "legs win shows" would be pleased (probably).  Danny is also back on track but will need to stay on a very strict diet right up until the show.  Martin is of course ready as usual, I'll see if I can get a pic of all three of us posing together on here sometime.