Works at the new gym are progressing well, I'm enjoying getting the place sorted out and I'm confident that we'll be open and ready for business, fully equipped, by January 2nd 2014. I'm pleased to say that my friend Alex McKenna, editor of "The Beef", has kindly agreed to supply the gym with some posters and back issues of his magazine for the cafe area, I am very grateful for this, thanks Alex. The picture is a page from the last edition of the mag which, as a gym owner, I found very interesting. Feedback from the sales of my DVD "Getting Ready" has all been very complimentary and everyone has said that it's a real eye opener as they didn't realise just how much work goes into getting into shape for competition. I am not taking a single penny from any sales because the company that made it are hoping to sell enough to be able to fund a TV series that they have been asked to make next year. This will feature me & my team taking normal people who desperately want to get into shape both physically and mentally and making that happen for them. It's an ambitious project but one that could change people's lives immeasurably