The video from my last show is now on YouTube it's history now & I'm saying nothing more about it but here's the link
http://youtu.be/nBveOqkwLsY The pictures will be in the gallery by the end of this week so that ends that chapter of my life. A new one starts today, I've moved away from the place that I moved to 5 years ago and I have a whole new life already happening. I moved back to England from Spain in 2009 but I see now that was a mistake, or as I prefer to think of it, a lesson learned, because I have not enjoyed living where I have since I came back. However, during those years my competitive bodybuilding career has been a fantastic ride and I'm now friends with so many amazing people from that world. So for me at least, it's true what the song says, memories bring diamonds and rust. So it's on to better things now, updates coming very soon!