In answer to the feedback from my last blog. 1. Religion is a personal choice, nobody should force their views on anyone. 2. Yes I know it's supposed to be the brides father that pays but he wouldn't, so............ 3. I wasn't offended by the badge, although it seems that all of you were. Now, to wrap up the wedding here's a picture of the happy family, needless to say, my Princess Lilybelle stole the show as usual. So now off season is finished for me and I can get back to competition bodybuilding as I have a Midlands title to defend on September 22nd and the preliminary show prep plan is now in action with the hard dieting starting in a few days. It feels good to be back doing what I do best, this year I am going to be so ripped you will be able to see my heart beating through my chest and my lungs breathing through my back!