I always enjoy coaching at other gyms and this week I have to say that I was impressed when I did some work at Pumped Gym in Stevenage, Herts. The gym is well equipped, is superb for whatever level you are training at and as you can see from the photo, the the t - shirts are pretty good too! The place was designed by gym guru Mike Williams, who I spent some time with after work in the cafe area enjoying some chicken and rice (for a change!) Mike has so many great bodybuilding stories from all the years back to the sixties and he is also extremely knowledgeable about the sport so all in all I had a brilliant day. On a different subject, I was not surprised to hear about the "prism programme", whereby people lives are monitored through such things as social media servers, I wonder if the authorities are as fed up as I am with wannabes posting pictures of their food and telling everyone how they are going to "smash it" in the gym. It's called bodybuilding not body smashing!