Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Fix You

I was a bit put out to hear that  one of my favourite movie stars, Gwyneth Paltrow, refuses to allow her children to eat carbs.  Personally I have never been a fan of the Atkins, Dukan or Ketosis diets or indeed any diet that regards carbs as a bad thing, simply because they are an important part of any diet.  Whether you are a bodybuilder or not almost every diet that I write starts off with oats for breakfast because carbs are important not only for growth but also for keeping muscles full and firm, without them you will go soft. Gwyneth is still pretty even at 40 but she is underweight and to me she looks anorexic and anaemic, which is unattractive and unhealthy, she needs to eat more carbs!  Meanwhile, to prove my point, as I approach my 54th birthday my off season high complex carb diet is working well as you can see from the pic.