As it's a cold wet Sunday here's a bit of philosophy. I was booked to compete tomorrow at muscle beach, Venice, California but due to the events of the year, some that I've talked about and some that I haven't, that won't happen. When I booked it I was planning to fulfil an ambition so I was really happy, then when I cancelled it I was quite low. Now, with my recovery from my latest tummy problem almost complete I'm very happy to be getting ready for Nottingham, a show that made me so unhappy last year that I said that I would never do it again. John Lennon was right when he said "life is something that happens to you while you're making plans". This year has simply reinforced my two beliefs that you should enjoy every day as if it was your last and enjoy the simple things in life as they are the most important and the most fun. Here's a pic from Friday to prove my point.