Had a great weekend even if it is freezing cold here. Went to see "Love and other drugs" with Wendy, it's not a total chick flick and it is a good movie, well constructed and with a great sound track. We gave the Aston Martin its first run for over a month on Sunday which was great fun too and we also spent some time with my two Grandsons, Caden & Colby. I see even more of them now that Natalie is a single Mum and we all have a lot of fun together. I'm loving the off season but have just two more weeks of eating what I like and then it will be dieting time again, it's come around so quickly. To cap a great weekend, I have finally got a copy of the Daily Star from December 7th when they printed the picture of me with Gavin Henson. It's on the press and media page already!