Despite being underprepared, underweight and posing against an opponent 10 years younger than me I still won at the Body Power Expo yesterday. That's 2 wins and a new sponsor all in 1 week, especially pleasing as I was told by Atlas gym in January to "take the year off from competing to get a bit of meat on my frame" I ignored the comment due to my "golden rule" which is when someone offers you advice, see what they look like and what they have acheived and ask yourself if you aspire to be like that person. The people offering the advice in this case did not fit that description so I ignored them. I did get some good advice yesterday though from the likes of Daz Ball and Cecil Croasdale in between posing for countless photos with people that I had never met before. Had a great day and then went to the wedding of Maria & Neal in the evening, and yes, this time I did eat some wedding cake, lots of it!