Thursday, 30 January 2014

Golden Touch

We've had more good news at Peak Physique and Fitness - I mean apart from the great feedback that everyone that trains there gives us every day!  The company that syndicates my blog have kindly featured PPF in the "best local gyms" section of their website so that more people can experience the unique gym that we have produced for anyone at any level   In addition to this, after the success of my "You Decide" advert   my friends at The Active Channel have confirmed that they will soon start filming me coaching people at the gym for broadcast on TV.  You will have all seen the great stuff that they have made featuring old friends like Dean Ash and of course Eddie Abbew, well now it will be my chance to produce workouts for people to learn from to help them with their training.  Talking of workouts, yesterday I did off season legs, with all of the leg equipment that we have it's easy to get carried away and destroy the legs, which I did.   A good target for leg growth is to try to be half as good as the great Tom "Golden Eagle" Platz, an inspiration for anyone who wants good legs.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Oh You Pretty Things

We are very proud to announce that IFBB Bikini Pro Gemma Williams will soon start running ladies posing classes at Peak Physique & Fitness Gym.  Gemma & I met today to agree a deal whereby she will run her posing classes from our purpose built studio, these classes will be personally organised and run by Gemma, who is one of the best in business. PPF members that are competing this year will definitely benefit from Gemma's classes and competitive experience and we are also hoping that Gemma will do a few training and coaching sessions at the gym so that members can learn from an IFBB Pro.  Finally, a big well done to EN who was on the worst possible diet but in the last 3 weeks has so far lost 10lbs under my guidance and is now looking at competing later this year.  That's impressive work and results, take a bow!

Monday, 27 January 2014

Feeling Good

Further to my last blog I've had a few enquiries about cortisol, some saying that alcohol can increase it, well yes it can but a small amount once a week won't.  Here is a view about cortisol from someone far better qualified than me, its from Nina Simone Ross, someone that I always hold up as a template for women trying to get into shape. Any regular readers will know that I have been a fan of Nina's for a long time simply because she has worked so hard and acheived so much, here's the link  I hope that you find it interesting.  I have to say that I am loving off season training at PPF. The ambience and the atmosphere are brilliant and I feel the strongest that I have for years.  I'm over 18 stone with good abs and I can't remember being like that for a long while but my decison not to compete any more still stands despite some very nice people trying to persuade me otherwise!

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

What Made Milwaukee Famous

Someone said to me the other day that as I've recently had a moan about smoking and sugar then alcohol must be the next thing on my list.  Oh alright then but guess what, I'm not going to say that you should never drink! I actually think that a drink in moderation, thats like 2 glasses of wine or 2 pints of beer once a week actually does you good.  These days most people do have a certain amount of stress in their busy lives and stress will get you every time, it will make you produce cortisol, which is bodybuilders Kryptonite, so avoid it at all costs and if that means a drink with your cheat meal then do it.  It's difficult to get the balance right though, alcohol can increase cortisol if you have too much so just keep it to the amounts that I have said and you should be ok.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

While You See A Chance

We're into the second half of January now so you would expect some of the "New Year resolution" people to have given up the plan to get into shape but not at PPF!  I'm proud to say that all of our members are actually working harder than ever and some are determined to compete this year regardless of the sacrifices and committment levels required.  I've actually been genuinely surprised at how hard people are prepared to work at their diet and training these days, its impressive, and I don't impress easily.  No names as usual but yesterday I saw RW CL & LW, all three will compete this year and they are all working with total dedication even though their shows are months away.  The comment that I get the most is "I now have the gym and the support to do what I've always wanted to". I love that positivity and the way that people are seizing their chances!

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Change Your Life

Firstly, I have to say a public thank you to Steve P and Stuart T for the very nice feedback that they have recently sent me about "Getting Ready". I'll be signing copies of the DVD at a shop in Bedford on February 8th although the main reason for the event will be to interview possible subjects for my next media project.  This will be the TV series that we've been hoping to make for a while now and it will feature six people who feel that their lives are unfulfilled at best and a waste of time at worst.  Over a period of twelve weeks I will try to turn their lives around using only sensible exercise, good diet and the power of positive thinking.  It will of course be a huge task but ultimately it will be incredibly rewarding for everyone involved.  Most of it will be filmed at Peak Physique & Fitness because we have built the gym that we wanted and now we have the perfect set up to use all three of the things that will transform peoples lives.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014


To get anywhere in the gym you need one thing above all others and that's the right attitude.  If you go in making excuses you will come out making even more excuses.  I tell people to view every session as a duel between them and the weights, and make sure that the weights never win, make sure that you show them who is the boss, remind them just who you are.  Does it hurt? Yes, of course it does, but no pain no gain has always been an accurate saying.  The pic is from Saturday and is of me & Chris, a sports scientist that I coach, we both fought the weights and we beat them.  The cardio suite in Peak Physique & Fitness is impressive and is attracting a lot of nice comments, the best one being "who would have thought that a meathead like you would have put so much thought into a cardio suite".  Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment shall I?!

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Gonna Make You A Star

When we set up Peak Physique & Fitness we had in mind a very definite vision of what we wanted to achieve and we have definitely produced the gym that we planned.  We wanted to appeal to anyone at any level and we have had a lot of absolute beginners sign up and they are already making good progress, I love working with newbies as I can teach them how to do things right from day 1 rather than them learn bad habits from other people.  The surprising thing has been that so many experienced gym users now want to take things up a notch and we already have several potential competitors for 2014.  As always, I don't sugar coat things and I tell them all just how tough it will be but nobody has been scared off yet.  If you want to compete then PPF is the place to come but please read this first!

Friday, 10 January 2014

Sugar Sugar

So the government has finally woken up to the fact that it's not just bad fats in peoples diets that are causing all of the health problems and that sugar is just as bad and in some cases worse.  You can read a lot of conflicting stuff about sugar but please have a look at this and make up your own mind.  What annoys me is that all of the chinless wonders produced by Harrow & Eton that now run our country are supposed to be clever, well they are not clever enough to listen to bodybuilders and fitness professionals like me who have been trying to cut sugar from peoples diets for years.  A few blogs ago I said that I could give anybody decent abs and I stand by that, but the first thing that I take out of their diet is sugar, try it and see if it works for you!

Wednesday, 8 January 2014


So how are the New Year's resolutions going then?  The one that I always try to get people to do is to give up smoking.  Why? Well because if you don't you will die before your time basically.  It will also greatly affect your training.  As I always explain to people, if you're training properly the blood needs to flow at speed through the arteries, it can't do that if they're blocked up with tar can it?  As for diet at this time of year, here's a picture and description that I received today from someone who has got it absolutely right, I am so proud when proteges take the whole thing this seriously, especially when they invent clever meals like this one, perfect for an off season diet.  "A little bit of salad just to get some greens in, spicy chicken (baked) and a pack of oat cakes with olive oil in 50g rice"  No names but well done FB!

Monday, 6 January 2014

Public Image

As much as I dislike social media it is, apparently, something that we need to have at the gym.  So, we are now on the dreaded facebook and twitter, here are the links that you need to add us or like us or whatever else that it is that you do with these things. Facebook, just search for "Peak Physique Fitness Gym" and Twitter just search for "peakfitnessgyms" (in the plural as the singular was already taken).  In addition to these we are also on Google + "Peak Physique & Fitness Gym" as well as Linkedin "Peak Physique Fitness" and Pintrest "Peak Physique & Fitness" I hope that all makes sense to you. Please note that the best way to get in touch with me is still via email to as I am obviously unlikely to use social media sites.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Six Degrees Of Separation

Did you see "50 shocking facts about diet & exercise" on TV in the week? Whilst most of it made sense one thing that they got wrong was when they said that "most people will never be able have a six pack".  All I can say is that using my methods, everyone that I have ever coached for an approriate amount of time has ended up with good abs, so if that's what you want then you know where to come.  Personally, I have had good abs since I was at school (yes, a loooong time ago!)   Rene Campbell came along to the new gym today, she is a really lovely person, very gently spoken and very helpful and friendly to everyone that she spoke to.  Rene runs a spray tanning business and I will be recommending it to everyone that I coach for competition this year.  Her business partner in this venture is my friend Alessandro, who I have been coaching for about 6 months, he has made great gains and will now compete for the BNBF later this year!