Friday, 31 August 2012
Choose your poison?
Email of the week this week came from a lady(?) who strongly disagreed with steroid use of any kind but felt that it was acceptable to go out and get wrecked on booze & cocaine and end up spending the night in a hotel with a stranger because "thats what made her the person that she is". She was by no means a youngster either, I guess I don't really understand the modern world but hopefully tomorrows documentary will help address exactly that kind of issue. My break up with my ex girlfriend came after the ITC had approved the programme for broadcast so unfortunately she has not been edited out of it. I hope that this doesn't spoil your enjoyment of it, please email me your feedback to
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Expendable? No, irreplaceable!

Monday, 27 August 2012
A one month transformation
I have been working with my latest protege Natalie for exactly one month and as you can see the progress is amazing. She has responded well to rough and aggressive training, in fact she loves it! Her diet consists of regular intakes of animal protein, very low carbs and no fats or oils. She is totally drug free and uses no weight reducing drugs, laxatives, herbal teas or modern "miracle" supplements of any kind, just the basic old school stuff that I believe in. It is a tough regime, some women would have run away from it for something easier, but the results are something that you would never get doing a lifetime of pilates, spinning, body balance or other such nonsense. She will compete of course, at this rate maybe even this year. I hope that everyone, not just women, can take inspiration from this young girls achievement. MAY 2017 - PICTURE REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF NATALIE'S INSECURE AND JEALOUS BOYFRIEND
Sunday, 26 August 2012
In the words of the bard
I receive nice emails from all over the world every day asking for advice. Yesterday I got one from a father in Ireland asking how he could check if his 30 year old daughter was taking laxatives because she couldn't handle dieting. I told him to take her out in the car for over an hour and see if she started panicking for the toilet, that's usually a giveaway. More importantly though, I told him that at that age she was old enough to make her own decisions and that he shouldnt be controlling her. Obviously I wont hear from him again but I always tell people the truth, even if they dont like it and don't have the guts to accept it. As the saying goes, "above all, be true unto thine self"
Friday, 24 August 2012
Its not about the bike

Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Dedication, that's the name of the game

Tuesday, 21 August 2012
Never say never
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Time to say goodbye
The results from the NPA Midlands. Well Danny took it upon himself to ignore me completely and do his own prep and in his words "missed the weight" - by 2 kilos! This meant that he competed at middleweight and was of course blown away, he is a good lightweight at most but never a middleweight. It's not the first time he has ignored me and although I gave him a second chance he certainly won't get a third. I wish him all the best for the future without me. Amrit just missed out on a place but was happy as he has made an amazing transformation in the last year, when I have show pictures I will do an impressive before and after comparison photo. I am looking forward to a tough off season bulking him up, ready to do even better next year!
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Friday, 17 August 2012
Save the best until last

Monday, 13 August 2012
Bad day at Manchester
Well yesterday's BNBF Manchester show turned out to be a big disappointment for Marzio, Danny and all of us that made the long journey to support them. Marzio placed 4th in his first show and Danny was 6th. Ordinarily they would not be viewed as bad results but we felt that both should have done better and that Marzio was a clear winner. He has taken it rather badly and now will probably not compete again this season. Danny was also very low afterwards but will go to Stratford on Avon this coming weekend for the NPA show where he won the juniors last year, this year he will compete in the 70kg class. Amrit will also be competing in the same class so we are hoping for a better weekend!
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Time to unleash the beast

Thursday, 2 August 2012
Sunshine after the rain
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