Had a great day at the Herts & Beds first timers show yesterday, well done to Trevor Cheung for putting on such a good show, and to Jim Georgiou who won the overall, he looks like a young Zack Khan! Had to laugh at Danny last night, he is 2 weeks out from his show so no more cheat meals are allowed. He texted me about 10 pm to ask if he could have some Ovaltine and milk before bed! About this time of year, with so many on holiday and show diets I get a lot of similar requests, so I keep a note on my iphone which I simply copy and paste as a reply to such texts, it simply says "IS IT ON YOUR DIET SHEET???" Needless to say I rarely get a reply to that! Here is a very rare shot of Danny smiling whilst posing, we have 2 weeks left to make sure that he always does that!