With just 5 weeks until my first show of the year I have to admit that it's hard work shifting the weight this time, hence the lack of recent photos. When I took January off I blew up to well over 19 stone and even though I'm now down to 18 stone 6 lbs the fat cells, that were fed so well during my month in the sun, are reluctant to shrink back to virtually nothing as they were last November. My target this year is to be that ripped again but to compete at a stone heavier than last year. I'm unlikely to acheive that by April 30th but I hope that I can look good enough at that show to win and qualify for the NABBA British finals 4 weeks later, as I am expecting to reach my target by then. I also have the NAC UK Open the next day, 2 British finals in 2 days, bring it on!