After some hard rebound training at the beginning of the week I've spent the last few days in Spain where it is still very warm; but that's the only good thing about it out there now. I've had a villa out there for the last 1o years but the place has changed so much that I've now sold up (and made a good profit - obviously) I lived there for much of 2008 but it's so different now. It's a sad but true fact of life that nothing good lasts forever and no matter how hard you try to get it back it won't happen so it's better to store it away as a good memory and leave it as that. The British finals official show photos have arrived, here's one of them, the rest will be on here as soon as I can get my dear son Steve to do it!
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Monday, 26 October 2009
Monday 26th October

On Sunday I won the over 50's Mr. Hercules, an event with such a high profile that it carries with it an automatic qualification for next years British finals, what a great way to end the season! I also found out "unofficially" that the reason I was marked down last week was because my left calf is still a mess from where I had the op in June. That does explain a lot to everyone that disagreed with the judging. I also spoke at length to Paul Ehren who placed 2nd but who I thought should have won, he gave me a lot of good advice, including go on holiday soon which I am definitely doing! After that Paul & I are going to do some work together and the preparation to win next years British title will start then! Lots of new photos and videos on here soon, here's one of them (click to enlarge)
Friday, 23 October 2009
Friday 23rd October
I would just like to say that I have been overwhelmed by all of your messages of support after last Sundays disappointing result. It's good to know that so many people care! I'm off to Colchester at the weekend for the Mr Hercules show and I will be trying my best to come away with a better result this time. By next week I'm hoping to have more photos and videos to put on here and I will of course give you the full story of the Mr. Hercules event on Monday.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Tuesday 20th October

Just a quick one today to let you know that the show photos are ordered and should be on here in about a week, depending on the wonderful postal service of course! Anyway, here's me with a better and far more important trophy from the weekend, my new Grandson Colby. When Caden was born he was no bigger than one of my "Gorilla prints" hands but Colby is, and he is just so gorgeous!
Monday, 19 October 2009
Monday 19th October
Well we are all still trying to work out what happened yesterday. After the pre judging on Saturday a lot of people were saying that they thought that I had won it. The people closest to me, Perry & Eddie, were far more critical, but that's exactly why they are closest to me, I prefer to be told straight. However even they both said definite top 3. In the event I didn't even get a place. I'm not going to whine about it, that's not what I do, I'll get the show pics on here ASAP & let you all decide. Meanwhile I'm entered for the Mr. Hercules show on Sunday 25th October so I'm back in the gym with a vengeance today!
Friday, 16 October 2009
Friday 16th October
Well I've just done my final posing practice and I look in the best condition of my life. Definitely bigger and more ripped than I was in May and I still have 24 hours more to finish the carbing up and to get rid of the tiny amount of water that is left. Can I just take this opportunity to thank everyone who has sent messages of support and everyone that has helped me, Eddie and the guys at body limits of course, but especially Perry, Tommo & Leejay from Atlas gym who have been so much help to me during my preparations. I'm looking forward to lunchtime tomorrow, after the pre judging, when I will sit down with Perry and Eddie and they will tell me honestly whether or not they think I will win on Sunday. As soon as there is any news I will put it on here!
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Thursday 15th October
Mmm carbs! By the time my depletion was finished it was an effort just to stand up, now I have a sudden energy rush as the carbing up procedure takes effect. I'm also shedding water by the bucketload and looking better every hour. I'm more confident than ever and if I don't win then I can't complain, I've done everything right and I'm bigger and more ripped than I was in May. I can't do anything more now than get the posing right on the day, and that shouldn't be a problem. If anyone has got in better shape than me then they deserve the title, but I don't think that anyone has!
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Tuesday 13th October

He's here! Baby Colby was born this morning and weighed in at a very healthy 5lb 6 oz. It feels like I have had a weight lifted off of my shoulders, I have so much going on at the moment but this was the one thing that was worrying me the most. Mother and baby are both doing well and are so gorgeous, Natalie won't thank me for putting a picture on here of her just after giving birth but the picture is just so beautiful and emotional. As good things happen and other good things get closer it proves that life does indeed just get better.
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Saturday 10th October
Today was a good day. Saw Natalie last night and she is very well and looking forward to Tuesday morning when Colby will be delivered. Then this morning I did posing practice with my coach Eddie Abbew and also Dean Ash from LA Muscle TV (Sky channel 281) Dean said that I looked really good, he was very complimentary and didn't actually believe that I was over 50! Eddie was also pleased and for the first time ever he didn't cut my calories, so now I know that I'm ready. If all goes well by the time of the next blog I should be a Granddad for the second time and also be stuffing myself full of carbs, I don't know which one I am looking forward to the most!
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Thursday 8th October
Apologies for the lack of blogging but these are busy and stressful times. Natalie has been taken back into hospital and this time they really are keeping her until baby Colby is born. My poor darling daughter is having CTG scans two or three times a day and she is in pain but determined to wait until Tuesday when she will be 35 weeks and Colby can be delivered without having to go straight into special care. She is a remarkable and amazing woman let alone daughter. Dealing with all of this on a zero carb diet is tough for me but its nothing compared to what she is going through, she is an inspiration to me.
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Thursday 1st October
Good news today, they have let Natalie come home from hospital for a few days. I will still be taking her in for checks most days until the birth but at least now she is at home, which is where she is happiest. Other good news is that I managed to get David Gray tickets for December! When the dieting is hard, as it will be over the next 10 days or so, I take my mind off of it by planning a holiday for after the show. Can't decide between the Maldives or a safari in Africa. Hopefully someone will help me decide soon!
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